Saturday 16 January 2016

Evolving With Early Childhood Care


This blog mainly talks about early childhood developments, parenting and other related issues and concerns regarding early childhood topics. I write based on my own personal experiences as an Early Childhood Educator and my own journey of mothering my own two year old daughter. This blog will also talk a lot about how the world of early childhood education has evolved so much from the past generations, the benefits of child-centered learning and some drawbacks of traditional learning methods.

My personal journey as a mother and an educator helped me gain a lot of understanding the dynamics and complexities of young children. There were a number of instances that my experience dealing with young children’s limit-pushing behaviors did not in any way worked when it comes to dealing with my own toddler and being an experienced educator did not suit me well ‘handling’ my own daughter, children are not at all the same and strategies are not one-size-fits-all concept…

Join me as I share some of my personal success stories, upsetting and victorious moments of motherhood and other interesting stuff that goes in the roller coaster world of parenting!

I welcome all parents, educarers, early childhood professionals and caregivers and all readers that find my blog interesting and helpful….

I do not intend to give professional or medical advice based on my personal experiences as a mother and an early childhood educator. Any content in my blog that you may find offensive or hurtful to your practices of belief, you are free to unfollow me. Anything that I share are all based from my learning experiences in early childhood education in practice and in my personal journey of motherhood.

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